untitled (barrier reef, clouds and glitch)

1 Edition

untitled (barrier reef, clouds and glitch)

Stu Sontier: acquisitive-eye

glacial activity

4.00 ꜩ21 Editions

glacial activity

Latest ─────

Work on the Tezos cleanNFT blockchain

uncharted territories #10

1 Edition

uncharted territories #10

uncharted territories #11

1 Edition

uncharted territories #11

untitled (2x2 pivot irrigation)

9 Editions

untitled (2x2 pivot irrigation)

untitled (5x5 pivot irrigation var 2)

3.30 ꜩ15 Editions

untitled (5x5 pivot irrigation var 2)

strange days in the ross archipelago #2

5.30 ꜩ6 Editions

strange days in the ross archipelago #2

strange days in the ross archipelago #6

31 Editions

strange days in the ross archipelago #6

strange days in mcmurdo #2

5.00 ꜩ61 Editions

strange days in mcmurdo #2

stu sontier - uncharted territories #14

1 Edition

stu sontier - uncharted territories #14

untitled (another greener world #1)

1 Edition

untitled (another greener world #1)

untitled (another greener world #2)

2.70 ꜩ17 Editions

untitled (another greener world #2)

untitled (another greener world #3)

5.70 ꜩ5 Editions

untitled (another greener world #3)

untitled (another greener world #4)

1 Edition

untitled (another greener world #4)

coastal fracture

1 Edition

coastal fracture

pivot irrigation abstracted by google earth

3.10 ꜩ11 Editions

pivot irrigation abstracted by google earth

untitled (massed pivot irrigation systems var 1)

1.70 ꜩ22 Editions

untitled (massed pivot irrigation systems var 1)

in a sense, calm

4.30 ꜩ12 Editions

in a sense, calm

Silence 1

21 Editions

Silence 1

My Collection ─────

Some from this account's collection

Interlocutor Prologue: Alien 43

6.00 ꜩ57 Editions

Interlocutor Prologue: Alien 43


8.00 ꜩ69 Editions


it was immutable

100 Editions

it was immutable


1.99 ꜩ30 Editions


شجاعت آسمان را رنگ آمیزی کرد

3.50 ꜩ50 Editions

شجاعت آسمان را رنگ آمیزی کرد

[extinct] in circles

45.00 ꜩ53 Editions

[extinct] in circles

Meta-horizonte II

6.99 ꜩ184 Editions

Meta-horizonte II

Wave Glass 2022

9.00 ꜩ21 Editions

Wave Glass 2022

untitled overpainted silence nr.18916-8514

12.00 ꜩ35 Editions

untitled overpainted silence nr.18916-8514