::: home ::: specture ::: sentimental chairs ::: api drawings ::: blokerakt ::: 3D art objects ::: string figures ::: studies ::: words ::: video art ::: one line one breath ::: events ::: .readme ::: fresh mints:::
::: specture :::
a speculative exploration on abstractions of extinct species (from NSW, Australia) put onto the blockchain ::: what if in future this is the only place they exist?
My specture art project involves putting digital versions of extinct species onto the blockchain (code based drawings, 3d models, blockchain API metadata) as a way to archive/‘save’ them, to see if they can evolve in their new digital habitats and to see what these new landscapes look like to the species.
Explorations of the blockchain environment and architecture, parallels between the interconnectedness and decentralisation topologies of ecology and the blockchain, key characteristics and behaviours of the species and what we might miss out on if they are lost