My Fundraising Pieces
Please follow this link for my THEMED COLLECTIONS page or go Home with the button below.
Mental Health Month Fundraiser
This project supports the Teia Tezos Fountain for new artists to get their start in the Tezos ecosystem, which is how I started. 50% of proceeds goes to this effort.
Pride Series Fundraiser
This project supports the Queer Museum of Digital Art, the Teia Fountain, the Teia Equity Representative Multisig and myself, split evenly four ways.
Ukraine Fundraiser
This project supports the Tezos ecosystem effort towards Ukraine, shares are split as follows: Malicioussheep - 1 / Beneficiary Donation Address - 10000
SavePakistan Fundraiser
This project supports the Teia and Tezos ecosystem effort for the #SavePakistan fundraiser to support efforts to recover from the devatating flood in Pakistan. Shares are as follows: Malicious Sheep - 10 / Beneficiary Donation Address - 90
#StillHereNow Fundraiser
This project supports several initiatives through collab contracts as listed above;
Pride, Ukraine, Pakistan and Iran